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Get Your Mental Health In Order With This Depression And Anxiety Journal

Too often we overlook the importance of mental health. For many, hitting rock bottom is the only catalyst to realizing just how crucial self-care is and how significantly it impacts your overall wellbeing. It sounds simple, but as the saying goes, it’s the little things that make the biggest impact. Finding pockets of joy through self-expression, whether that be therapy, journaling, arts and crafts, or other forms of play and connection not only help to manage stress, but put preventative measures in place against common mental health conditions. At Ladykind, we believe in eradicating the stigma around mental health in unconventional ways. Aside from traditional self-care practices like therapy and meditation, in this blog we’ll explore how using a guided depression and anxiety journal that combines journal prompts, art activities, quotes, and other readings to bring awareness and perspectives to the blindspots lurking beneath your conscious.

Recommended daily self-care practices


Keeping up with a daily writing practice, such as Morning Pages as outlined in the book, The Artist’s Way, gives you a place to deposit your stress before it starts to bleed into other areas of your life. This self-expressive habit is one of the best, most effective ways to combat depression and anxiety.

Arts & crafts

Inviting fun and play into your life as an adult is so underrated. The more responsibility life tasks you with (school, jobs, kids, marriage, etc.), the harder it feels to incorporate the small things that brought you joy in your younger years.


If it’s accessible to you, “date around” until you find a therapist that resonates with you and gives you a safe space to unload your innermost fears, worries, and insecurities in a professionally-guided fashion.

Working out

Whether you’re taking pilates classes, doing some light stretches at home, or finding a hiking trail to connect with nature, physical movement is essential to move negative energy out of your body.


Thanks to the internet, there’s a plethora of meditative resources you can lean on if it’s uncomfortable for you to sit in stillness. In a previous blog about relaxation techniques, we spill the tea on some of our favorite guided meditation apps.

Why we love the Let That Sht Go* depression and anxiety journal

This depression and anxiety journal combines all of the above self-care practices into one place you can return to each day. By blocking off an hour per day of time to tend to yourself, this journal will guide you through navigating difficult emotions using writing prompts, therapeutic concepts and strategies, profane and relatable quotes and stories, creative art activities, and more.

Additionally, enhance this guided catharsis by supporting your mind and body with the proper nutrition and health aid supplements that fuel it to function at higher frequencies. Ladykind products support hormone balance for improved mental health and stress management on the daily.

Coupled with this depression and anxiety journal, you’ll notice a difference in your ability to release negative emotions, cultivate gratitude, heighten self-awareness, identify creative solutions to complex problems, and develop a positive outlook on life. Take 20% off Ladykind’s Rise & Rest Set, which consists of one daily mind-clearing tincture and one nightly mind-relaxing tincture to work in tandem with your new self-care routine. Use discount code RISEANDREST20 at checkout to redeem.


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Wind Down Nightly Mind Relaxing Tincture

When hot flashes hit or PMS just won’t quit, falling—and staying—asleep is no easy feat. Put racing minds to bed with hemp-derived Broad Spectrum CBD and CBN cannabinoids. Combined with calming valerian root and relaxing melatonin, Wind Down gives you exactly what you need to catch more ZZZZs.


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Rise Up Daily Mind Clearing Tincture

Not in the mood? Stress, medications, and change in your cycle can put a damper on your libido. If you'd like to perk up your interest in sex, herbs like maca root and damiana found in Rise Up are known aphrodisiacs. Find your center and tap into your inner goddess when taken daily.


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Menopause hot flashes stand no chance with Ladykind CBD tinctures for women

Rise & Rest Set

Our hormone balancing duo of tinctures will have you feeling like yourself in no time with herbs like maca root and black cohosh. Powered by broad-spectrum CBD and over 7 herbs or vitamins in each tincture to help you wake up or relax, we formulated this set for your unique needs.


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