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Your Secret To Harness Relief From Period Pain & PMS: Lidocaine

Pain management proves to be quite the challenge for women who suffer from bad periods. Whether your PMS struggle involves headaches, abdominal cramps, muscle tension, or all of the above, today we’re going to introduce you to one ingredient that promises targeted relief: lidocaine.

What is lidocaine?

Lidocaine is a local anesthetic that relieves pain by blocking nerve signals to temporarily numb the area it’s applied to. If you’ve had dental work done that required numbing, you’ve probably already experienced it’s alchemy. But did you know it’s also one of the most practical ingredients for managing physical pain?

Why is lidocaine good for painful periods?

This makes topical products that use lidocaine as an active ingredient ideal solutions for targeted pain management. Our absolute favorite is this Tough Love Period Pain Relief Cream, which can be applied to your abdomen to manage menstrual cramps, lower back for your aching muscles, and your temples to bring localized relief to those unyielding headaches.

This deluxe formulation also blends other soothing ingredients, such as broad spectrum CBD, cramp bark, and turmeric to deliver nearly instant anti-inflammatory effects using a Hydroxysomes-led, time-release delivery system that mimics the biological makeup of your own skin.

How can lidocaine help me while I’m on my period?

Lidocaine’s anesthetic properties make it one of the most valuable ingredients you can find in topical pain relief formulations. Because it delivers targeted relief to the area in which it’s applied, lidocaine is one of the safest, most effective solutions for women who experience painful periods.

However, similar any other potent active ingredient, always make sure to read the packaging labels thoroughly to ensure proper use and therefore, obtain ideal results. Once you’ve experienced the true virtue of lidocaine and harness the relief you crave, you’ll never want to leave the house without it. Get your Tough Love Period Pain Relief Cream today on


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a better period with ladykind cbd

A Better Period Set

Are you ready to transform your cycle? Our hormone-balancing tinctures and period relief topical are powered by broad-spectrum CBD oil, ancient Ayurvedic herbs, and scientifically-proven active ingredients. Our 3-step solution will keep you balanced, energized, and cramp-free for a better period.


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Rise Up Daily Mind Clearing Tincture

When you cycle, changes in your hormone levels often leave you sluggish and fatigued. Our hemp-derived Broad Spectrum CBD and CBG cannabinoids are the natural remedy for low energy—powered by uplifting ingredients like energizing maca root and stress-relieving vitamin B5 to get you up and running in no time.


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Quick Menstrual Cramp Relief CBD Cream Ladykind

Tough Love Period Pain Relief Cream

Soothing cramp bark squashes spasms, tackles tummy troubles and kicks cramps to the curb. Our Hydroxysomes-led, time-released delivery system mimics the material makeup of our own skin—keeping the CBD active and stable as it's released over time.


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Wind Down Nightly Mind Relaxing Tincture

When hot flashes hit or PMS just won’t quit, falling—and staying—asleep is no easy feat. Put racing minds to bed with hemp-derived Broad Spectrum CBD and CBN cannabinoids. Combined with calming valerian root and relaxing melatonin, Wind Down gives you exactly what you need to catch more ZZZZs.


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Rise Up Daily Mind Clearing Tincture

Not in the mood? Stress, medications, and change in your cycle can put a damper on your libido. If you'd like to perk up your interest in sex, herbs like maca root and damiana found in Rise Up are known aphrodisiacs. Find your center and tap into your inner goddess when taken daily.


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Menopause hot flashes stand no chance with Ladykind CBD tinctures for women

Rise & Rest Set

Our hormone balancing duo of tinctures will have you feeling like yourself in no time with herbs like maca root and black cohosh. Powered by broad-spectrum CBD and over 7 herbs or vitamins in each tincture to help you wake up or relax, we formulated this set for your unique needs.


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