CBD is changing people's lives across the globe; but how easy is it to get across the globe with CBD? This blog contains all the info you need on how to safely travel with CBD.
What's the hype about?
Did you know your body has its own endocannabinoid system? It actually plays huge role in regulating your body's physiological process. This impacts your immune system, mood, energy, appetite, blood pressure and other aspects consisting of your everyday experience. CBD gels with your body's endocannabinoids to provide balance, whether you're in need of an anti-inflammatory aid for raging hormones, or a quick pick-me-up for lethargic ones. If taken on a daily basis, CBD can become a reliable tool in managing physical pain (such as injury or PMS) and emotional fragility.
Now that you're aware of the benefits of taking CBD and want to start incorporating it into your own daily routine, we recommend developing a relationship with your CBD products the same way you would with a multivitamin or medication prescribed by your doctor. Meaning, take them consistently and have them with you at all times. On your commute to work, a roadtrip or long drive, and yes, especially on that flight to visit your family for the holiday weekend.
Not sure how to pack for your trip? We're here to equip you with everything you need to know about traveling, both domestically and internationally, with your CBD products.
How to travel with CBD oil
If you're traveling within the U.S., the first thing you need to know is that while each state has its own jurisdictions regarding marijuana production, sale, possession and use, hemp-derived CBD products containing <0.3% THC are federally legal to fly with in your checked luggage or carry on bag. Always make sure to check the THC levels in your CBD products are under the 0.3% THC requirement before bringing them to the airport.
CBD products containing more than 0.3% THC are illegal under both federal and state law, with the exception of the states that have legalized medical and/or recreational cannabis. If you're going to a state with strict cannabis regulations, be sure to familiarize yourself with both the local laws and your CBD products (confirming they are THC-free) before your trip.
Additionally, in preparation of your flight, don't forget the general TSA rules still apply. Any liquid products (oils, tinctures, creams) must not exceed three ounces.
If you're traveling outside the U.S., always research your destination's CBD stipulations before packing your bags, as the rules differ per country. In Europe, legality varies depending on location. In Asia, CBD is pretty much illegal across the board, with the exception of Thailand, which recently became the first country in Asia to decriminalize marijuana for medical and industrial use - but not recreational. Asia is also known to have stricter punishments and penalties for offenders. Most Middle Eastern and African countries ban the use of all cannabis products, with some slight exceptions in Lebanon and South Africa. Although weed has been legal since 2018 in Canada, it's still illegal to cross the Canadian border with it.
Your travel experience
No matter how you do it, traveling always inevitably invites stress. You might be dealing with a screaming baby or rambunctious kids who won't settle down, delayed or canceled flights, realizing you forgot to pack something essential, or stuck in gridlock traffic. These are just some examples of common travel situations that can be stress-inducing. If you're using Ladykind's CBD products, you're saving yourself the time and energy of having to think twice. At least within the U.S., you can rest assured our products are made according to the highest national safety standards required for you to stay mobile with them.
We recommend packing your CBD products in the same place you keep things you need readily accessible, such as your phone, wallet, tampons, baby's diapers or bottles, etc. Ideally, in your purse, backpack or carry on bag. You'll see, keeping them handy when en route will come in clutch. CBD is proven to slow the release of cortisol when ingested, an effective measure in managing these otherwise stress-inducing circumstances.
Maybe you're traveling alone and dealing with anxiety about flying or riding in a car for hours, and just need a little help to relax and unwind for the trip. Yet another reason to reach for your CBD. At the start of your travel, we recommend taking a dose of our Wind Down Nightly Mind Relaxing Tincture. Contrastingly, when you arrive at your destination and awaken from your slumber or meditation, its counterpart, Ladykind's Rise Up Daily Mind Clearing Tincture will help give you the kick you need to prepare for whatever awaits you outside. Come back to this blog for more info on how to travel with CBD and more women's health education topics!

Nani Dominguez
Nani is a writer and communications consultant from Oakland, California. Visit notesbynani.com to learn more.