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How These 4 Ingredients Make Your Day Manageable & Improve Your Mood

All found in Ladykind's award-winning, best-selling product for women's wellness, the sublingual Rise Up Daily Mind Clearing Tincture.

  1. Vitamin B5. An essential nutrient popular in the health and wellness arena for balancing stressed hormones, relieving tension, and recharging energy levels.

  2. Maca Root. Maca is an adaptogenic herb from Peru that helps the body adapt to stress in order to maintain balance in the nervous system. Compounds like polyphenols and alkaloids make maca a natural remedy for emotional relaxation and increased energy levels. Not to mention, it's also packed with rich nutrients such as iron, B vitamins, and proteins. These not only support higher energy levels but bring balance to metabolism, improve cognitive function, and reduce fatigue as well.

  3. Damiana. Otherwise known as a natural aphrodisiac, studies show this wild shrub not only stimulates sexual function and desire in both men and women, but also promotes positive effects on mood, anxiety, and even serves as a digestive aid. It works by triggering neurotransmitters like dopamine and seratonin, two of the main contributing factors your body uses to regulate mood and emotion.

  4. Turmeric. Although it's a prevalent ingredient housed in kitchens across the globe, this compound is more than a common cooking spice. Turmeric has a longstanding reputation in alternative medicine as an aid that helps reduce cholesterol, pain, and inflammation.

Use our discount code RISEUP15 to try the Rise Up Daily Mind Clearing Tincture today!


Time For A Change?





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Rise Up Daily Mind Clearing Tincture

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Rise Up Daily Mind Clearing Tincture

Not in the mood? Stress, medications, and change in your cycle can put a damper on your libido. If you'd like to perk up your interest in sex, herbs like maca root and damiana found in Rise Up are known aphrodisiacs. Find your center and tap into your inner goddess when taken daily.


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