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Posts tagged: mental health

Natural Medicine For Women Who Suffer From Bad Periods

The menstrual experience is anything but monolithic. While some women barely notice when their time of the month starts and ends, others can't help but notice the debilitating pain and discomfort that signal aunt flow is coming or going. To cope, many have turned to unhealthy habits that involve self-medicating with painkillers...

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How These 3 Women's Wellness Products Work To Naturally Boost Your Mood

Today marks the official first day of fall. Wow! Where is the time going? By now, we know to expect a number of things with yet another seasonal shift. Some of these include dry skin, swapping out the clothes in our capsule wardrobe, and preparing for the next quarter at...

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5 Thoughtful Women's Wellness Gifts To Express Gratitude & Appreciation

The month of September is significant for many reasons. Aside from marking the seasonal transition from summer to fall, did you know that both National Wife Appreciation Day and National Daughter's Day are honored in September? In this blog, we'll explore some ways you can support women's wellness for the...

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Debunking 5 Common CBD Myths & Misconceptions

If you're a regular here, you already know a bit about the fascinating therapeutic benefits and healing properties of the cannabidiol (CBD) extract. As legal restrictions for the use and production of CBD loosen, research continues to unfold about its assortment of potential medical applications for conditions that affect both...

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3 Ways Ladykind Can Help You Enhance Your Best Friendship

Did you know today is International Day of Friendship? As part of Ladykind's mission to destigmatize mental and reproductive health topics in casual conversation, we thought it appropro to celebrate the occasion by providing some suggestions on how you can invite friends into your wellness practice to normalize a holistic...

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2 Ways To Support Minority Mental Health This 4th Of July

While no one is complaining about a day off from work, Independence Day can ring hollow and fail to capture the lived experience of people from historically marginalized backgrounds. In fact, the symbolism and representation of this patriotic U.S. holiday can bring on some serious, outright stress that calls on...

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How CBD Supports Your Circadian Rhythm

In a previous blog, we unpacked the importance of decluttering your mind at the start of a new season the same way you 'spring clean' your home. New seasons prompt you to take action in many areas of life you need to improve on- such as your circadian rhythm. The...

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5 Hacks To Declutter Your Mind For Summer

Whenever seasons turn we tend to crave a newfound sense of freedom and clarity to enter into it ready to receive the opportunities that lie ahead. In the same way we are prompted to 'spring clean' our homes and tidy up our physical spaces, the start of any new season...

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What Are Bliss Molecules, & How Can You Take Full Advantage Of Yours?

Have you ever consciously interacted with your bliss molecules? Well, you wouldn't know if you didn't know what they were. So let's go over that first. What are 'bliss molecules'? Bliss molecules are also known as endocannabinoids, a group of naturally occurring compounds within the human body produced by your...

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4 Challenges Of New Motherhood CBD Can Alleviate

Becoming a mom is a jarring, life-altering experience that takes time to process and unfold. Matrescense is the term that's been coined to capture the psychological and emotional changes women experience in new motherhood, and that's not to mention the physical pain they endure and the way the body changes...

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Is CBD Legal? 2024 CBD Legality By State: Year Over Year Review

Last updated: February 8, 2024 Is CBD legal? Turns out, the answer to this question is layered. In January 2023, the FDA announced that CBD products will require a new regulatory pathway per the USDA, and will work with Congress to develop a strategy. CBD products will no longer be...

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PMS Pet Peeve: 7 Tips To Help You Tackle Emotional Binge Eating

Many of us have developed unhealthy relationships with food. Some turn to it as a coping mechanism for stress, while others force themselves to live without the nutrients they need to function healthily because of how much guilt and shame come with indulging. When it's that time of the month,...

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Your New Best Friend For Better Sleep

The perfect cocktail of ingredients to put that racing mind to sleep. Holy Basil. Prized in India for it's healing and medicinal properties, this ancient Ayurvedic herb is considered sacred for its spectrum of therapeutic benefit. It has adaptogenic properties, which means it literally helps the body cope with stress...

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5 Ways To Support Your GF On Her Period

Did you know? One of CBD's most significant benefits is alleviating the pain and discomfort many women experience during times of hormonal fluctuation, such as menstruation and menopause. Can you tell when your girlfriend is on her period? Maybe she's noticeably moody or abnormally emotionally reactive to things she would...

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A Unique Remedy For Endometriosis Pain

Falling under the umbrella of women's health, it's only right that Endometriosis Awareness shares the month of March with International Women's History Month. Although the celebratory season is coming to a close, we thought the former was deserving of a closer look under our spotlight. Did you know that one...

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Celebrities Who Use CBD & How They Use It

There's no doubt that social discourse about CBD has been stigmatized. People either want to associate it with the reputation of its notorious counterpart compound, THC, or it just doesn't hold significance because they haven't experienced it for themselves. Without a chance to witness its magic firsthand, we tend to...

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Are Organic Tampons Really Better For Your Vagina?

The tampon is one of the most popular solutions ever invented for menstrual care. Out of many, it has consistently been the option of choice for women around the globe. Unlike its competitors, the organic tampon provides ultimate comfort and convenience when that time of the month rolls around- mess...

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5 Ways CBD Can Spice Up Your Sex Life

CBD, otherwise known as the "bliss molecule", has built quite a name for itself in the self-care arena over recent years.  Ever since the legislation of the 2018 Farm Bill, we've finally been able to unlock and explore the true range of benefits that support women's health and wellness. The majestic compound...

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5 Biofeedback Signs CBD Can Help With

What is biofeedback? If you've never heard the term before, you're not alone. Biofeedback is a type of therapy that's been gaining more and more attention in mainstream media as of late, and we're here to share what it is and how CBD contributes to the topic. According to Mayo...

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Curious About CBD? Let's Clear The Air

Today is World Trivia Day, and to kick off the new year we thought it would be fun to address some of your most frequently asked questions about Ladykind's CBD products and clear the air of the stigma around CBD supplements, period. Without further ado, let's get into it! 1....

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What Happened At Ladykind's 2nd Annual Holiday Hemp Party?

This year, Ladykind's 2nd Annual Holiday Hemp Party was held at Cloud City Supply, Inc. in Campbell, CA. The two-hour event included CBD-infused coffee, product testings, giveaways, and an intimate panel discussion on CBD for women's health with psychiatrist Dr. Dale Levandowski and holistic medical practitioner Dr. Milan Chavarkar.  Doctor's...

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8 Ways To Protect Your Peace During The Holidays

Holiday socializing can be easily overwhelming, even for extroverts of the furthest extreme. Everything gets busier during this season. School, work, and family calendars become jam-packed with places to go, things to do, and people to see. Since we see people during this time we don't normally see as much throughout the...

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Your 2022 Holiday Gift Guide

In last week's blog post, we spilled the tea on how to take a more thoughtful approach to gift-giving this holiday season. However, we recognize gifts are not a universal love language. Whether you dread the task of shopping or are just too indecisive, some of us simply need more...

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Answering 8 Of Your Most-Asked CBD Questions

When you think of cannabis, you probably associate it with the widely known experience of "getting high". However, the plant has so much more to offer than just that. There are 100+ chemical compounds that can be extracted from it, featuring a gamut of benefits to help you better tend to your mental...

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12 Best Practices For Optimal Mental Health

Taking care of yourself goes beyond exercising and eating well. Although diet and physical activity are two significant contributors to health, there are other habits you can develop to set the stage for your best-self to shine. It's World Mental Health Day today, and we'd like to highlight some easy ways...

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Tinctures vs. Soft Gels: A Side-By-Side Comparison

CBD and THC are the two most prevalent chemical compounds found in the cannabis plant. However, unlike THC, CBD hosts a range of therapeutic offerings (both physical and mental) without bringing on any psychoactive effects. This power ingredient supports your body's endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is responsible for your hormone...

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8 Daily Habits To Adopt For A Less Stressful Life

When we fail to create distance between ourselves and our emotions, we live on auto-pilot while vehemence controls our thoughts and behavior. Concealing fears and insecurities only causes them to amplify inside. Sooner or later, they manifest as external conflicts or a lack of self-awareness. The good news is, there are...

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Curating A Home For Your Self-Care Practice

Bringing yourself back to center might mean meditating, exercising, reading a book, drinking a latte, or enjoying some CBD. Whatever activities help fill your cup, if you haven't actually rooted yourself in their practice, you could be missing out on the full potential of their benefits. One reason people become inconsistent in their self-care...

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10 Kind Gestures To Try On A Stranger Today

The reward for being kind is not insignificant, and the opportunities to practice are all around you. Incorporating kindness into your daily interactions cultivates compassion for all parties involved. How can you exercise understanding and/or thoughtful compassion with a lucky stranger today?

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Why You Should Use CBD In Skincare

If you've ever enjoyed cannabis before, you can attest to the magic it works on your physical and mental wellbeing, and the veil of peace and serenity it casts over your day. Similarly to how THC soothes and transforms your physiological state; CBD, the second most prevalent chemical compound in the...

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Is Period Syncing Real?

Have you ever had to ask to borrow a tampon from your best friend, only to find out she's also on her period at the same time? You could chalk this up to coincidence, or, this intimate information might muster a small sense of pride, empowerment - or at the...

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How To: Social Self-Care

Usually, you think of self-care as a routine or activity you do when you're alone. Yet, so much of how you nurture your mental and emotional wellbeing can be attributed to the support you receive in community. Yes, self-care can mean diving into a new romance novel amidst a steamy,...

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Try It Yourself: Ladykind's Summertime Watermelon CBD Cocktail Recipe

Summer is upon us! Here's your new favorite CBD cocktail :) After two long, grueling years of being cooped up at home, people are returning to the social scene. Whether that means backyard BBQs with the family or day parties on a yacht for you, we have the perfect recipe...

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What Men Should Know About Menstruation & Menopause

This Father's Day, Ladykind is gifting the gift of education to all the fathers out there working hard to keep a healthy, happy home. To do this, we all have to make daily efforts to practice and further our understanding of how we can best support our partners. Typically, menstruation...

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Harness Overwhelming Emotions Using Your Somatic Response

Instead of burying ourselves in the defeat of our emotions for the sake of performance, why can't we use our somatic responses to develop healthy communication patterns between our body and nervous system? If our somatic responses are carrying fruitful knowledge from our nervous system, how can we invite them in...

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Try It Yourself: Mental Health Cleanse

In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month this month, we thought we would present a unique offering for you. 👀 The same way you hear about the importance of 'Spring cleaning' your home every now and then, you should aim to keep the same maintenance with your mind and body,...

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3 Ways Stress Manifests In The Vagina

Studies show that 77 percent on people experience stress that affects their physical health. It might show up as an abnormal lack of energy, increased headaches, muscle tension, indigestion, chest pain, insomnia, lowered immune system, nervous shakes, cotton mouth and teeth grinding. Yikes. Can you even imagine what it might do to the vagina? The...

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Alone On Christmas: 5 Ways To Cope With Being Lonely During The Holidays

Being alone during the holidays, whether you're single or far away from your family, can hurt. Take care of yourself with CBD.

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7 Tips For A Stress-Free Holiday Season

Adding CBD can be a great way to find balance during stressful times like the holidays. Learn other self-care tips to have more bliss and less stress this year.

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